The Boys & Girls Club of Rochester

The Boys & Girls Club figured out how to safely provide live programming at their Genesee Street Club for children who were at risk of having to go virtual or miss out on programming altogether. In addition to being able to provide in-person programming, they made sure members have had access to a variety of virtual programming, as well as meals, throughout the pandemic.

Cameron Community Ministries

After closing last spring, Cameron's youth programs reopened for their annual Summer Program. They were able to serve 20 youth, providing them with a much-needed social outlet. During the school year, they transitioned from a traditional afterschool program to a full-day model, where they are able to support remote learning. Cameron's kitchen and Clothing House have also been serving the community throughout the pandemic.

Urban League of Rochester

Urban League of Rochester’s program staff continued to meet virtually with 6th through 12th graders, both after school during the school year and throughout the summer. Even though students met virtually, Urban League staff delivered breakfast and lunch to students and their families. This coming summer, they plan to operate in a hybrid model and offer meals and food gift cards to families.

Rochester Museum & Science Center

Rochester Museum & Science Center pivoted its programs to support students, families and teachers. They developed the “Science at Home” series as a collection of new educational videos and activities for families to access at home. The series eventually evolved into the RMSC Virtual Classroom, which helped educators and students thrive in their remote and hybrid learning environments by offering a series of virtual STEM lessons that could use as supplemental resources.

For the 2020-2021 school year, RMSC created Curiosity Club, a day program where a team of educators, staff and volunteers help students with school work and provide a fun, engaging and educational space on their remote days. More than 140 students have enrolled and over $45,000 in scholarships have been distributed.

Rochester Education Partners

Education partners, like the Rochester Public Library and ROC City Learning Pods, collaborated to ensure youth have safe and supported learning environments to help them navigate this new virtual learning model.