OST Resources

2024 Summer Program Catalog

For the past few years, GRASA has facilitated the convening of a community-wide OST Funders Group to create a Summer Common Application for providers in our region. The Summer Common Application allows local OST providers to apply for summer grant funding from multiple organizations with one application.

This year, the OST Funders Group was able to fund 31 programs across Monroe County. These programs span various subjects and themes and serve different age groups. To learn more about these programs and how to register for programming, please explore our 2024 Summer Program Catalog.

Translated editions to come shortly.

GRASA Landscape Scan

Over the course of a 2-year process, GRASA conducted a scan with the Center for Governmental Research (CGR) and RAND to investigate and document the local and national landscape of Out of School Time (OST) programs and design a more coordinated and equitable OST system for our Region. Use the link below to explore the results of the scan and the priorities and action plan that will guide our community’s work over the next four years.


Assessment & Quality Tools

Equity, Race and OST

Family Engagement

OST In the Summertime