Brockport Summer Leap

Brockport Summer Leap

Brockport Summer Learning is a 5-week summer enrichment program that focuses on providing high-quality opportunities to students in the Rochester City School District in order to make equitable educational experiences available for city residents. The program focuses on increasing students’ literacy and math knowledge by using social and emotional learning (SEL), the arts, science, and Project-Based Learning (PBL). Their mission is to provide a low student-to-teacher ratio in a safe, educational, and nurturing environment for youth to engage in high-quality summer learning experiences by promoting academic, social, emotional, creative, physical and personal development through authentic learning opportunities. 

The goal is for students to feel safe and supported so that he or she can feel confident in multiple learning spaces. They do this by providing a range of experiences that encourage exploration of students' physical, emotional, cognitive, social, creative, and sense of self. They refer to this as (W)holistic pedagogy, which honors the whole child and values (W)ho the student is. This approach also values and understands that cultural, familial, and community experiences are integral to students' identity and ways of navigating the world. 

For summer 2022, Brockport Summer Leap is embracing the program wide theme: “I am… We are…” as a lens through which youth can learn about various identities and ways that they can be part of larger communities. Their New York State certified Lead Teachers develop curriculum grounded in the NYS Culturally Relevant-Sustaining Framework and incorporate Restorative Practices throughout the day. Each classroom has a Teaching Assistant who is a current college student earning their teacher certification. Many of the TAs comment on the benefits of being able to work in a program such as this and learning from expert mentors.  As a college-sponsored program, Brockport Summer Learning is aligned with SUNY Brockport’s mission and commitment to the wider community. They partner with the First Unitarian Church of Rochester to host the program. Their beautiful campus enables children to enjoy the outdoors and explore the natural world.

Learn more about this great program here.



Two of Rochester’s longstanding expanded learning providers have joined forces.